
A website is operated by: Vulkán Hotel Kft.

  • Customer service (from Monday to Friday from 0:00 to 24:00): +36 95 421 180
  • General information: +36 95 421 180
  • E-mail address:
  • The name of the company: Vulkán Hotel Üzemeltető Kft.
  • Abbreviated name of the company: Vulkán Hotel Kft.
  • The company's headquarters are at Sport utca 10, 9500 Celldömölk
  • Name of the person authorized to represent the company: Managing Director András Gachályi 
  • Statistical number of the company: 14949960-5520-113-18
  • The company's tax number: 14949960-2-18
  • Company registration number: 18-09-109130
  • The company's payment reference number: 11747044-20015123-00000000
  • The payment reference number is managed by OTP.
  • The company's electronic contact is:


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Price calculation and booking