Abuse report

Information about the internal whistleblowing system

which was prepared for the employer Vulkán Hotel Kft. (registered office: 9500 Celldömölk, Sport utca 10.) in order to fulfill its obligation to provide information under Section 25 of Act XXV of 2023 on complaints, public interest reports and rules related to reporting abuses (hereinafter referred to as the Complaints Act).

1. Subject of the notifications

Information regarding illegal or suspected illegal acts or omissions, or other abuse, can be reported in the internal whistleblowing system established at the employer.

Examples of non-exhaustive types of abuse that can be reported include:

  • workplace abuse: fraud, money laundering, bribery, kickbacks,
  • workplace retaliation, termination of employment, withholding of wages, undeclared employment, forced labor,
  • illegal work safety conditions or environmental abuse,
  • harassment, discrimination, racism, sexual harassment, threats, intimidation,
  • unfair tender, competition,
  • unfair contract terms,
  • violation of business or professional secrets.

2. Persons entitled to report:

The scope of persons entitled to report is set out in Section 20 (2-3) of the Complaints Act. According to this, persons entitled to report include, for example, employees, former employees, members, shareholders of the employer, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers or persons under the control of agents in a contractual relationship with the employer, interns and volunteers working for the employer.

3. Making the notification:

The reporting party may make the report in writing or orally. The oral report may be made by telephone or in person using the contact details provided in point 9.

4. Investigating or not investigating your report

The employer shall investigate the contents of the report as soon as possible, but no later than thirty days from the receipt of the report, through its Whistleblower Protection Officer. The 30-day deadline may be extended in particularly justified cases, with simultaneous notification to the reporter.

The employer may refrain from investigating the report if:

a) the report was made by an unidentified reporting person,

b) the report was not made by the person authorized to do so,

c) the report is a repeated report made by the same reporting person with the same content as a previous report, or

d) the harm to the public interest or overriding private interest would not be proportionate to the restriction of the rights of the natural person or legal entity affected by the report resulting from the investigation of the report.

5. Measures to remedy abuses

When investigating the report, the employer must examine and evaluate the accuracy of the information contained in the report and take action to remedy the abuses reported.

6. Information to the notifier after the notification

The employer's independent Whistleblower Protection Officer shall inform the whistleblower in writing of the investigation or non-investigation of the report and the reason for non-investigation, the result of the investigation of the report, the measures taken or planned. Written information may be omitted if the operator of the internal whistleblowing system has informed the whistleblower orally, who has acknowledged the information.

7. Data processing rules

The identity of the reporter – if the data necessary to establish it is provided – must be treated confidentially at all stages of the investigation. The employer has prepared a separate data processing information regarding the handling of personal data processed in internal abuse reports.

8. Whistleblower protection

Sections 41-49 of the Complaints Act apply to the protection of whistleblowers. Based on these, any measure detrimental to the whistleblower that is taken due to the lawful filing of the report and that is implemented in connection with the whistleblower's legal relationship or connection is considered unlawful, even if it would otherwise be lawful.

The rights to protection of whistleblowers apply only to reports made lawfully and in good faith. A whistleblower who reports in bad faith is not entitled to the whistleblower protection rights set out in the Complaints Act. The report may not constitute a crime or a misdemeanor. When making a report, the whistleblower must comply with the rules on defamation and defamation.

9. Receiving notifications

The Employer operates an independent internal whistleblowing system within its own organization, through which a Whistleblower Protection Officer has been appointed, who is impartial, independent and not subject to influence in this area of responsibility.

Reports are received at the following contact details:
In person: 9500 Celldömölk, Sport utca 10, on working days from 10 am to 4 pm, at a time agreed in advance by calling +36 95 421 180
By letter: 9500 Celldömölk, Sport utca


By e-mail: panaszbejelentes@vulkanhotel.hu

Celldömölk, December 17, 2023.

Vulkan Hotel Ltd.

Managing Director János Jakab Gábor

Price calculation and booking